Monday, November 21, 2016

Healthfitsport Exercise Resistance Bands #healthfitsport

You may find the product here:
I'm new to the workout craze so I don't know much about Yoga as these bands recommend use for.  I decided to try these bands to use when I'm not around my weights at my gym to tone up.  I'm not sure if all resistance bands are like this but I found the bands kind of thin, ribbon thin.  I'm afraid when I do anything they are going to snap but they seem to hold up pretty well.  Still I have an image of the band breaking & me knocking myself out.  However the product claims it is made of durable latex.  The company says they have a lifetime guarantee so I'm guessing these probably do hold up well.  Like I said I'm new to the whole band craze.
The Guide included with the bands says the uses are:
1.  Strength training
2.  Stretching
3.  Rehabilitation
4.  Posture correction
5.  An added tool for weight training

The 4 pack includes 2 loop and 2 7ft long variations. Each variation includes easy and medium resistance levels; appropriate for casual fitness. The product description on Amazon says to combine bands for a stronger resistance to challenge the serious athlete.  It even includes a carrying pouch so you can take them on the go.
I'm hoping these will work out the way the company claims & it will allow me some convenience when I'm just sitting around.  

I had to give this product 3 Paws out of 5 simply because they seem just like rubber bands & you all know how rubber bands can break and snap; plus the guide only has 6 exercises.  I really would love more suggestions on exercises since I'm a beginner.  Another reason for the deduction is I wish maybe there were more bands.  One set is bands the other is just a long latex.  I would have liked to see the thinner bands & maybe bands as thick as the long latex.  Plus the options are easy & medium, I would have liked a hard instead of combining the easy and medium.
I received this product at a discounted price for my honest opinion.  This didn't determine or sway my opinion in any way.

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